Database Schema (Physical Model) Article:
Users Table:
- UserID (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
- Email (VARCHAR)
- Password (PWDHASH)
- Category (VARCHAR) - Possible values: 'Admin' or 'Client'
Bookings Table:
- BookingID (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
- UserID (Foreign Key referencing Users table)
- PackageID (Int)
Hotels Table:
- HotelID (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
- HotelName (VARCHAR)
- HotelLocation (Int)
Packages Table:
- PackageID (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
- UserID (Foreign Key referencing Users table)
- BookingID (Int)
Relationships between tables:
- The Bookings,The Packages and The Packages table has a foreign key linking the tables